MischMasch 2010-05-03
28 days after its introduction Apple sells 1 million iPads, more than 12 million applications and more than 1.5 million e-books. (Via Macworld, Apple Press Rele...
28 days after its introduction Apple sells 1 million iPads, more than 12 million applications and more than 1.5 million e-books. (Via Macworld, Apple Press Rele...
Google announced starring search results as a new feature in search to make it easier to mark and rediscover sites. Starred items show up at the top of the sear...
Apple will release Snow Leopard, the latest version of the Mac OS X, on August 28th. Most important seems to be the transition to 64-bit applications. The upgra...
Today microblogging service Twitter was the target of a DoS attack and therefore the site was down for some time. (Via Twitter Blog) Apple released Mac OS X 10....
Happy Cog and Airbag Industries, two important web design firms, announced the merger of the two companies. The resulting company Happy Cog will continue to wor...
Jon Hicks has a new and nice design for his journal / hicksdesign. As he says it is still work in progress YIID, the service that helps you build a social ident...
Carol Bartz was appointed as new CEO of Yahoo!. (Via Yahoo! Press Release) Apple has approved third party web browsers for the iPhone. (Via Mac Rumors) Apple CE...
Evernote adds storage on the iPhone. (Via Evernote Blog) Google Reader added statistics for each subscribed feed. You can see them when showing the feed’s...
There are three new Get a Mac ads by Apple: Bean Counter, Bake Sale and V Word. Huffduffer is a web site that lets you create your own podcast by linking them, ...
Last week Twitter launched their Election 2008 site that shows the public opinion about the presidential election in a river of tweets. Hovering over a tweet pa...