MischMasch 2009-08-11

Facebook‘s acquisition of FriendFeed I mentioned yesterday received a lot of response. Robert Scoble thinks about leaving FriendFeed, Khoi Vinh tweeted that he deleted his FriendFeed accounts, Leo Laporte wants Facebook to open source the Friendfeed codebase and Steve Rubel hopes that FriendFeed should become Facebook Labs. It seems that a lot of people doubt that FriendFeed will continue as an own platform.

Google released a preview of the new version of their search engine. It’s codename is Caffeine and it is faster and more accurate. More information on Caffeine can be found on Matt Cutts‘ blog and the preview can be accessed at www2.sandbox.google.com. (Via Mashable)

Facebook already rolled out a new search that crawls the last 30 days of news feed activity. (Via Mashable)

Doug Cutting is leaving Yahoo! and will be joining Cloudera. (Via Free Search)

Evan Williams‘ wife Sara gave birth to a 8 pounds 21 inch baby boy. (Via Evan Williams (ev) on Twitter)

Yesterday’s MischMasch dealt with Nambu‘s announcement to shut down the URL shortening service tr.im. Today they re-opened the website and state in a blog post that tr.im will continue to operate. They still criticise Twitter to create a short URL monopoly. (Via Mashable)