MischMasch 2009-01-13

Qype CEO Stephan Uhrenbacher announced Stephen Taylor as his successor. Stephen Taylor worked for Yahoo! Europe and his experience will help social review site Qype to grow and expand and to compete against Yelp that launched Yelp UK last week. (Via Qype Vibes)

Google hired Joshua Schachter, who created the social bookmarking service Delicious and left Yahoo! some months ago. (Via ReadWriteWeb)

Think Vitamin, a site offering articles, interviews, reviews and more web related things, has a new layout and even a RSS feed. Think Vitamin is a produced by Carsonified. (Via Twitter / Brian Suda)

Full articles of Scroll Magazine number 1 are avaible online now. Scroll is a print, PDF and online magazine for web professionals by Maxine Sherrin and John Allsopp and designed by Veerle Pieters.

MischMasch 2008-07-03

Some redesigns during the last weeks. MySpace has a new look done by Adaptive Path. The site is less cluttered and navigation is simpler. After five years the personal web site of Jason Santa Maria was redesigned. The interesting thing about the redesign is that the design can be changed to suit the content. Also Chris Heilmann’s site Wait til I come! looks diffrent now.

Flickr founders Caterina Fake and Stewart Butterfield have left Yahoo! (via Wired), as did del.icio.us founder Joshua Schachter (via Daring Fireball). Valleywag posted Stewart’s resignation letter and Wired linked the DIY Yahoo! Resignation Letter.

Firefox 3 supports color profiles, but this is disabled and it has to be turned on manually. More about it by Joi Ito and John Resig

Plazes was acquired by Nokia.