MischMasch 2009-08-06

Today microblogging service Twitter was the target of a DoS attack and therefore the site was down for some time. (Via Twitter Blog)

Apple released Mac OS X 10.5.8. Seems this is the last update before the release of Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard in September. (Via Macworld)

German based identity hub YIID has added a new, more comprehensive address book containing people you follow on YIID and imported contacts. (Via YIID on Twitter)

MySpace plans to incorporate open semantic microformats code. (Via Marshall Kirkpatrick, Technology Journalist)

Comments now with microformats

For some time I use microformats on my contact page. Some days ago had the idea why not use microformats for comments to add hCard markup to the comment entries.

So first I had to replace <?php comment_author_link(); ?> with <a href="<?php comment_author_url() ?>"><?php comment_author() ?></a> in the WordPress template. Finally I added some microformats code: <span class="author vcard"><a class="fn url" href="<?php comment_author_url() ?>"><?php comment_author() ?></a></span>.