MischMasch 2009-03-24

Twitter celebrated it’s third birthday. Singer-songwriter Ingrid Michaelson made a song about Twitter that can be downloaded. There is a funny video on Current called Twouble with Twitters. OAuth appears in the API Wiki and the Firefox addon TwitterBar and Twitter directory WeFollow already use it. Twitter changed the title for the personal pages from Twitter / name to name (user name) on Twitter.

Douglas Bowman left Google and wrote a blog post about his experinces as Lead Visual Designer. Graham Jenkin wrote about how he sees design work at Google. Anne K. Halsall, another designer, explains her reasons why she has left Google.

Last.fm announced that subscription will be required to listen to Last.fm Radio execpt for USA, Canada and Germany. (Via Last.fm – the Blog)

Jonathan Snook will be leaving the life of freelance and will start working at Squarespace. (Via Snook.ca)

MischMasch 2009-03-17

Twitter‘s API Lead Alex Payne sent out a tweet about OAuth beta being now open to all developers. (Via Twitter / Alex Payne)

Flickr has a new people-picker for FlickrMail and contact list page, that let’s you find someone faster. (Via Flickr Blog)

The WaSP InterAct Curriculum is an interesting and nice designed curriculum based upon web standards and best practices.

Google Chrome got updated and has some new features. It is 25% faster and has form autofill, full page zoom, autoscroll and tabs are dragable. (Via Google Chrome Blog)

MischMasch 2009-03-16

Yahoo! released Friends on Fire, a Fire Eagle application for Facebook that lets you share your location with your friends. (Via Yodel Anecdotal)

WeFollow is a new, nice designed Twitter directory by Kevin Rose. (Via Twitter / Heiko Hebig)

Seesmic announced Seesmic for Facebook, an Adobe Air Facebook desktop client. Beside status updates it will support pictures and videos soon. Seesmic’s popular Twitter client twhirl will have Facebook support integrated in future. (Via Seesmic Blog)

After leaving FastCompany TV Robert Scoble‘s new project will be Building 43, a content and social networking community. (Via TechCrunch)

socialmedian, a social news service acquired by XING in December 2008, uses now Facebook Connect to let people login and participate on socialmedian. (Via socialmedian Blog)

Google Quick Search Box can now update your Twitter status. There is an instruction how to tweet on the Google Code site for Google Quick Search. (Via Twitter / steverubel)

MischMasch 2008-10-26

There are three new Get a Mac ads by Apple: Bean Counter, Bake Sale and V Word.

Huffduffer is a web site that lets you create your own podcast by linking them, adding them to your profile and tagging them. You can explore audio files by tags or by user and you can subscribe to podcasts by others. Huffduffer was built by Jeremy Keith.

Britney Spears has a new website with a blog and there are Britney profiles on YouTube, MySpace, Facebook and even on Twitter. Does that mean Twitter goes mainstream? (Via TechCrunch)

There will be a Brigthkite iPhone App soon. (Via Brightkite Blog)

Ma.gnolia, the social bookmarking site, introduces paid accounts that turn off ads on the site. (Via Ma.gnolia Blog)

A report of the FAS includes a chapter on potential for terrorist use of Twitter and other mobile technologies. (Via Wired)

MischMasch 2008-10-18

Google Blog Search has been updated and includes now groups of popular stories clustered similarly to Google News. (Via Lifehacker)

Obama ’08: The Official iPhone Application gives access to information and news about Barack Obama and arranges your friends by state for the “call friends” feature. (Via Lifehacker)

Jon Hicks announce that he will join Opera Software as Senior Designer and will be responsible for Opera desktop, Widgets and Mobile/Mini browsers and general design. Jon Hicks is the one who designed the logo for Firefox, Mahalo, Miro and others.

Twitter Mobile finally has replies. (Via Twitter / Evan Williams)

Google Mail Labs added advanced IMAP controls so you can choose which Google Mail labels are shown in IMAP.

Qype, the Hamburg based user-generated local review site, launched Qype España and added Spanish as their fourth language.

Google finally rolled out the new design for iGoogle with canvas view that let’s you maximize gadgets to full-screen view. (Via Official Google Blog)

FriendFeed launched FriendFeed Real-time: New entries and comments appear in real time as they are posted. (Via FriendFeed Blog)

Stephen Fry’s web site has a new design and offers a blog, audio and video and a lot more. He is also on Twitter. (Via The New Adventures of Mr Stephen Fry)

Seesmic, the video converstion web site, started their mobile version.

MischMasch 2008-10-01

Last week Twitter launched their Election 2008 site that shows the public opinion about the presidential election in a river of tweets. Hovering over a tweet pauses the updates. It’s possible to filter by candidates (Barack Obama, John McCain, Joe Biden or Sarah Palin) and hot election topics (VP Debate, Tina Fey or others) are visible too. So I found out that Oktoberfest is not very important for the US elections. (Via Twitter Blog)

YouTube is testing a new and improved video uploader and everybody can try it out. It’s possible to upload multiple files at once, edit the video’s metadata while the upload happens and videos can have a size up to 1 GB. (Via YouTube Blog)

There have been made some more improvements to Webkit‘s Web Inspector like a redesigned interface, changes to the Elements Panel, JavaScript Profiler in the Profiles Panel, Database Panel and lots of changes under the hood. (Via Surfin’ Safari – Weblog)

In honour of it’s 10th birthday Google gives you the chance to search like it is January 1991. (Via Webmonkey)

Adobe is still working on a Flash player for the iPhone and hopes that Apple will approve it. (Via Daring Fireball)

Apple has decided to drop the non-disclosure agreement (NDA) for released iPhone software. (Via Twitter / Cameron Moll)

Flickr quietly launched an iPhone friendly mobile version of their site.

MischMasch 2008-09-26

Already last week Twitter refreshed the design of their web site, rounded some corners, moved the navigation to the right sidebar, implementing Ajax and offering new design themes.

On tuesday T-Mobile and Google presented the first Androide phone called T-Mobile G1. It will be shipped October 22nd in the USA and will cost $179. Some of the features mentioned are a QWERTY keyboard, instant messaging, Google Maps with Street View and Compass View, a web browser based on WebKit, access to Amazon.com MP3 Downloads and more. The video of the T-Moble G1 press conference is avaiable online.

Yahoo! announced it’s new digital ad platform APT, a web-based platform that offers a simplified work flow process to streamline the ad buying process across multiple accounts and publishers. (Via Yodel Anecdotal)

The New York Times launched a social network on the newspaper’s website called TimesPeople. Users can share recommendations, ratings and comments with other New York Times readers. It’s also possible to search for people or to import contacts from Yahoo! Mail, Google Mail or Windwos Live. More information on the About TimesPeople page. (via Profy)

This week Technorati is releasing a five part series on their annual State of the Blogosphere.

Automattic, the company behind WordPress, announced that they aquired the comment system Intense Debate. (Via WordPress.com Blog)

Moreover some Google news. Google Contacts is the standalone contacts page that is part of Google Mail. Google Reader added some new features like adding tags to notes, switching between alphabetical ordering and drag n’ drop ordering and last-crawl-date for feeds. New in Google Labs are Google Audio Indexing (GAudi) and Google In Quotes. And Google has acquired Korean blogging platform Textcube.

MischMasch 2008-04-21

Flickr started code.flickr, a place to get in contact with the Flickr development community, to keep up on the Flickr API and to get the latest news on the open source Flickr Uploadr or other projects.

You may know flickrvision and twittervision. If you like it, then check out TwittEarth.

Alert Thingy, a desktop application for FriendFeed built on the Adobe AIR, now also supports Twitter.

Gary Vaynerchuk announced his first book 101 Wines Guaranteed to Inspire, Delight, and Bring Thunder to Your World.

The Rather Difficult Font Game is a nice way to test your knowledge about fonts.