MischMasch 2010-05-08

Matt McKeon‘s infographic on The Evolution of Privacy on Facebook is great visualisation of the article Facebook’s Eroding Privacy Policy: A Timeline by the EFF.

Fluid, a software application for Mac that lets you create Site Specific Browsers, is entirely Open Source now and is avaiable on GitHub. (Via Fluid Blog)

Google‘s Steve Lee said at the Web 2.0 Expo that Google Latitude has three Million active users. At the same time Foursquare has more than one million users and MyTown two million users. (Via TechCrunch)

According to Advertising Age Facebook will roll out location-based features very soon and it will compete with other location-based services like Foursquare, Gowalla, Brightkite and Google Latitude. (Via Mashable)

There are rumours that gaming network Zynga is going to leave Facebook and start its own Zynga Live service. (Via The Next Web)

MischMasch 2010-05-06

Social publishing and reading web site Scribd will abandon Flash and will convert uploaded documents to HTML5 web pages. (Via TechCrunch)

The new version of Google Goggles can now recognize and translate text and has improved barcode recognition. (Via Official Google Mobile Blog)

After introducing a new look for search on the computer Google announces similar changes to search for mobile. (Via Official Google Mobile Blog)

MischMasch 2010-05-04

HTML5 For Web Designers by Jeremy Keith is out for pre-order from A Book Apart. HTML5 spec is 900 pages and hard to read. HTML5 for Web Designers is 85 pages and fun to read. Easy choice. (Via Adactio, Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report, Jason Santa Maria)

Veer joins Typekit. Veer typefaces include Corner Store, Hooligan, Adage Script, Peachy Keen, Annabelle, Baroque Text, Bookman, Buena Park, Hellenic Wide, and Tamarillo. (Via The Typekit Blog)

With the Google Map Custom Marker Maker you can create your own custom marker for Google Maps. (Via Twitter / Christian Heilmann)

A new Google Chrome beta is out, with some nice new features like more synchronising options, Geolocation API, web sockets, native Flash support and more. (Via Google Chrome Blog)

Matt Cutts posted a list of Andorid Apps that he loves.

MischMasch 2010-05-03

28 days after its introduction Apple sells 1 million iPads, more than 12 million applications and more than 1.5 million e-books. (Via Macworld, Apple Press Release)

Google acquired BumpTop, an application that changes the way to use the desktop by transforming it into a 3D interface. (Via Mashable)

Google invests $38.8 million into wind farms in the North Dakota to promote renewable energy. (Via Official Google Blog)

MischMasch 2010-03-04

Google announced starring search results as a new feature in search to make it easier to mark and rediscover sites. Starred items show up at the top of the search page and sync with Google Bookmarks. (Via The Official Google Blog)

Personalized start page Netvibes is partnering with Orange to deliver widgets to 130 million mobile users. (Via VentureBeat)

Gowalla got a new and nice redesign by Belgian designer Tim Van Damme. (Via Jeffrey Zeldman)

Google introduced Gesture Search for Android 2.0 or above to search on the phone by drawing alphabet gestures on the touch screen. (Via Google Mobile Blog)

John Gruber wrote an interesting post on the AppleHTC patent dispute and software patents in general.

MischMasch 2010-03-03

GigaTweet is counting the number of Twitter messages and it shows that there will be 10 billion tweets soon.

WordPress.com turned on PubSubHubbub support for more than 10.5 million blogs. (Via WordPress.com Blog)

Location based social network Foursquare partners with Vodafone UK. (Via TechCrunch Europe)

After shutting down comments on Yahoo! News in 2006 users can now comment on news articles again. (Via paidContent)

Google Wave gets a new and better robots API that can push information into waves, robots can specify how much information they want to get back from a wave and what events it needs to respond to. (Via Google Wave Developer Blog)

1.5 million apps are downloaded from the Nokia Ovi store each day. (Via MobileCrunch)

2009 Personal Annual Report

Inspired by Brian Suda and his Personal Annual Reports and by Nicholas Felton and his Annual Reports I decided to gather some information.

I traveled eight times in 2009 and visited four different cities where I spend a total of 33 days. The rest of the year I was in München.

I saw a total of only one movie this year.

Right now I have 1243 items in my iTunes Library and I am subscribed to 27 podcasts. My iPhoto library includes 456 photos.

A Status Quo about my online life: I wrote 79 blog posts on portenkirchner.net with a total of 17 comments since July 2006, 18 blog posts on portenkirchner WordPress.com with a total of 3 comments since September 2005, 1840 Tweets since November 2006, 726 Dents since July 2008, saved 2251 public bookmarks on Delicious since July 2004, scrobbelt 55025 items on Last.fm since September 2004 and uploaded 32 photos to Flickr since April 2004.

MischMasch 2009-08-24

Apple will release Snow Leopard, the latest version of the Mac OS X, on August 28th. Most important seems to be the transition to 64-bit applications. The upgrade will cost only $29 or 29 €.

Jason Santa Maria announced the launch of Typedia, a shared encyclopedia of typefaces. Typedia makes it easy to classify, categorise, and connect typefaces. (Via Jason Santa Maria)

The new edition of Jeffrey Zeldman‘s book Designing with Web Standards can be preordered. The author wrote a blog post about what is new in the third edition of DWWS.

Nokia announced a netbook today. The Nokia Booklet 3G will be Windows based. A first video can be found on YouTube. (Via Fee Beyer on Twitter)

MischMasch 2009-08-17

Local review site Qype launched Qype Italia. The Hamburg based company is now present in the UK, Ireland, Germany, France, Spain, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Brazil and Italy. Currently reviews are written in English, French, Spanish, Portuese, Polish and Italian. (Via Blonde 2.0)

The Panel Picker for SXSW 2010 is live. Now you can browse through all the programming proposals and you can vote for your favourties.

Microsoft will continue to support IE6 until 2014. There are a lot of online campaigns aiming to kill the 8 year-old browser, but it seems this will be a very slow death. (Via BBC NEWS | Technology)

URL shortener tr.im, that announced to shut down and then re-opened again, will become public domain, 100% community-owned, operated, and developed. (Via tr.im URLs)

37signals are working on a global namespace that users will have a single username and password for all 37signals products. This will be more userfriendly and will make it easier to implement tighter integration between their products. (Via Signal vs. Noise)

EveryBlock, a hyperlocal news site, has been acquired by MSNBC.com. (Via The Everyblock Blog)

The Los Angeles Times web site was redesigned. But now it is quite hard to distinguish the links from the rest of the text. (Via Jens Meiert on Twitter)