Advent and Holiday Calendars 2016

These are the advent and holiday calendars I found this year:

There is no Webkrauts Adventskalender this year, but there is a German version of the advent calendar by Jens:

If you know any interesting holiday or advent calendars, please post them in the comments.

MischMasch 2011-05-09

Some good debates about hgroup on HTML5 Doctor. (Via Twitter / Bruce Lawson)

When (Some) Important Internetty Stuff Was Launched/Funded is an timeline of internet companies and services of the last 20 years.

lovely ui is a collection of mobile UI elements, mobile patterns and more by Diana Frurip.

jCanvas is a jQuery plugin that makes working with the HTML5 canvas easy. (Via Twitter / JavaScript UserGroup Munich)

Roger Johansson explains how to clip text with CSS3 text-overflow.

2010 Personal Annual Report

Inspired by Brian Suda and his Personal Annual Reports and by Nicholas Felton and his Annual Reports I wrote my my 2009 Personal Annual Report last year. Here follows my Personal Annual Report for 2010.

I traveled eight times in 2010 and visited four different cities where I spend a total of 36 days. The rest of the year I was in München.

I have not been to the movies in 2010 and therefore saw no movie this year.

Right now I have 1424 items in my iTunes Library and I am subscribed to 27 podcasts. There are a total of 125 apps on my iPhone.

This year’s Status Quo about my online life: I wrote 10 blog posts (89 blog posts since July 2006) on and there was one comment (18 comments since July 2006), 3 blog posts (21 since September 2005) on portenkirchner with no comment this year (3 comments since September 2005), 1724 Tweets (3564 since November 2006), 1449 Dents (2175 since July 2008), saved 1012 public bookmarks on Delicious (3263 public bookmarks since July 2004), scrobbelt 27973 items on (82998 items since September 2004) and uploaded 14 photos to Flickr (46 photos since April 2004).

MischMasch 2010-08-19

The word tweetup is accepted into Oxford Dictionary of English. (Via The Next Web UK)

YouTube launched the YouTube Charts. You can sort most viewed, most subscribed and most liked videos by today, this week, this month and all time. (Via YouTube Blog)

Google released a developer preview of the Chrome Web Store that will be launching later this year. (Via Chromium Blog)

Facebook launched their location-sharing feature Facebook Places. (Via The Facebook Blog)

The newest version of Picasa has some new features like Face Movies, Picnik integration, metadata updates and more. (Via Google Photos Blog)

MischMasch 2010-08-18

PaintbrushJS is a lightweight browser-based image processing library by Dave Shea. Have a look at the demo page.

According to a rumour Google will launch a Chrome OS tablet on November 26 on Verizon. The device is being built by HTC. (Download Squad)

Elements is a text editor for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch that saves the text files automatically every 60 seconds to your Dropbox account. (Via Macworld)

Businessweek and AllThingsD BoomTown both think that Facebook will finally introduce location services in a few hours. But will it be a check-in service or will they integrate other third-party services? Or will Facebook announce something completely different? (BusinessWeek & AllThingsD BoomTown)

Mercedes-Benz Mixed Tape 34 Red Rhythm is available for download at Mercedes Benz TV.

Google I/O 2010

Today starts Google I/O 2010, Google’s largest Developer Converence, that takes place in the Moscone Center in San Francisco. Topics will be Android, Google Chrome, Google APIs, GWT, open web technologies and more.

A lot of rumours are flying around about what will be announced in the next days: Google TV, a new Google phone, a major update for Google Buzz, a new version of the Google Feed API, …

The keynotes today and tomorrow can be watched on YouTube on the GoogleDevelopers channel and there is a Google I/O 2010 Wave.

In a few hours I will attend the live stream-event at the Google Office here in Munich to watch todays keynote and I am already excited about all the coming news and announcements.