2010 Personal Annual Report

Inspired by Brian Suda and his Personal Annual Reports and by Nicholas Felton and his Annual Reports I wrote my my 2009 Personal Annual Report last year. Here follows my Personal Annual Report for 2010.

I traveled eight times in 2010 and visited four different cities where I spend a total of 36 days. The rest of the year I was in München.

I have not been to the movies in 2010 and therefore saw no movie this year.

Right now I have 1424 items in my iTunes Library and I am subscribed to 27 podcasts. There are a total of 125 apps on my iPhone.

This year’s Status Quo about my online life: I wrote 10 blog posts (89 blog posts since July 2006) on portenkirchner.net and there was one comment (18 comments since July 2006), 3 blog posts (21 since September 2005) on portenkirchner WordPress.com with no comment this year (3 comments since September 2005), 1724 Tweets (3564 since November 2006), 1449 Dents (2175 since July 2008), saved 1012 public bookmarks on Delicious (3263 public bookmarks since July 2004), scrobbelt 27973 items on Last.fm (82998 items since September 2004) and uploaded 14 photos to Flickr (46 photos since April 2004).

2009 Personal Annual Report

Inspired by Brian Suda and his Personal Annual Reports and by Nicholas Felton and his Annual Reports I decided to gather some information.

I traveled eight times in 2009 and visited four different cities where I spend a total of 33 days. The rest of the year I was in München.

I saw a total of only one movie this year.

Right now I have 1243 items in my iTunes Library and I am subscribed to 27 podcasts. My iPhoto library includes 456 photos.

A Status Quo about my online life: I wrote 79 blog posts on portenkirchner.net with a total of 17 comments since July 2006, 18 blog posts on portenkirchner WordPress.com with a total of 3 comments since September 2005, 1840 Tweets since November 2006, 726 Dents since July 2008, saved 2251 public bookmarks on Delicious since July 2004, scrobbelt 55025 items on Last.fm since September 2004 and uploaded 32 photos to Flickr since April 2004.

MischMasch 2009-08-04

Yahoo!‘s social bookmarking site Delicious has some new features. Bookmarks can now be shared from the save form by e-mail or Twitter, searches can now be filtered by tags and timeframes and the Fresh section lists the most tweeted bookmarks. (Via delicious blog)

Yahoo!‘s photo sharing site Flickr has a new search results page to make it easier to browse through all the photos and videos. (Via Flickr Blog)

Google‘s number of digitized newspaper articles is growing and they can be accessed by using the News Archive Search. (Via Google News Blog)

MischMasch 2009-01-13

Qype CEO Stephan Uhrenbacher announced Stephen Taylor as his successor. Stephen Taylor worked for Yahoo! Europe and his experience will help social review site Qype to grow and expand and to compete against Yelp that launched Yelp UK last week. (Via Qype Vibes)

Google hired Joshua Schachter, who created the social bookmarking service Delicious and left Yahoo! some months ago. (Via ReadWriteWeb)

Think Vitamin, a site offering articles, interviews, reviews and more web related things, has a new layout and even a RSS feed. Think Vitamin is a produced by Carsonified. (Via Twitter / Brian Suda)

Full articles of Scroll Magazine number 1 are avaible online now. Scroll is a print, PDF and online magazine for web professionals by Maxine Sherrin and John Allsopp and designed by Veerle Pieters.

MischMasch 2008-07-03

Some redesigns during the last weeks. MySpace has a new look done by Adaptive Path. The site is less cluttered and navigation is simpler. After five years the personal web site of Jason Santa Maria was redesigned. The interesting thing about the redesign is that the design can be changed to suit the content. Also Chris Heilmann’s site Wait til I come! looks diffrent now.

Flickr founders Caterina Fake and Stewart Butterfield have left Yahoo! (via Wired), as did del.icio.us founder Joshua Schachter (via Daring Fireball). Valleywag posted Stewart’s resignation letter and Wired linked the DIY Yahoo! Resignation Letter.

Firefox 3 supports color profiles, but this is disabled and it has to be turned on manually. More about it by Joi Ito and John Resig

Plazes was acquired by Nokia.

Shared Stuff not really del.icio.us yet

Finally Google got into the social bookmarking market. Until now Google was only offering Google Bookmarks to store bookmarks for yourself. But last week Google startet Shared Stuff.

Like for del.icio.us there is a bookmarklet to post a web page to Shared Stuff. You can tag that page and add a description. for some sites a thumbnail of the page is displayed. But for now that is nearly everything you can do. It is not possible to edit the entries on your personal Shared Stuff page. This is only possible by using the bookmarklet on that page again and change the tags or description.

The same bookmark can also be used to e-mail the page from your Google Mail account or use third party services like del.icio.us, Furl, Digg or others.

One interesting thing is that if the page you want to add to Shared Stuff already is in your Google Bookmarks the tags you us in Google Bookmarks are automatically added. If you change tags in Google Bookmarks tags are automatically changed in Shared Stuff and vice versa.

But items on Shared Stuff are not automatically added to Google Bookmarks.

On time it is a bit complicated that you have two places to store your bookmarks, Shared Stuff for the ones you want to share and Google Bookmarks for the ones you want to keep private.

I guess there will be new and more features soon. But I don’t think that Google can convince me to leave del.icio.us. And there are rumours that del.icio.us will be relaunched in the near future.