MischMasch 2009-05-11

German based business networking site XING announced their first two OpenSocial applications. XING News lets you discover news filtered by your XING network. Ask XING lets you ask questions and get answers. More applications by XING and by several partners will follow. XING News and Ask XING will will distribute virally on XING. (Via net.work.xing

270 participants took part in Yahoo!’s second Open Hack Day in London, submitting 51 hacks. (Via Yodel Anecdotal)

Data, Not Design, Is King in the Age of Google is the title of a New York Times article on data-driven design, citing Douglas Bowman and other designers. (Via Doug Bowman (stop) on Twitter)

MischMasch 2008-05-30

Apple‘s release of Mac OS X 10.5.3 includes not only operating system improvements but adds the ability to sync Google Contacts with Address Book. It only works for iPhone and iPod touch owners, but Lifehacker has a workaround. Although some people experienced problems doing the synchronisation.

Google Gears is now called Gears to make it clear that Gears isn’t just a Google thing. And there will be Firefox 3, Safari and Opera support in the future. So far Gears works with Google Reader, Google Docs, Remember The Milk and now with MySpace Mail. (Via Official Google Blog)

AOL joins OpenSocial.

Google is now hosting copies of jQuery, Prototype, mooTools and Dojo on AJAX Libraries API. (Via Simon Willison)