2010 Personal Annual Report

Inspired by Brian Suda and his Personal Annual Reports and by Nicholas Felton and his Annual Reports I wrote my my 2009 Personal Annual Report last year. Here follows my Personal Annual Report for 2010.

I traveled eight times in 2010 and visited four different cities where I spend a total of 36 days. The rest of the year I was in München.

I have not been to the movies in 2010 and therefore saw no movie this year.

Right now I have 1424 items in my iTunes Library and I am subscribed to 27 podcasts. There are a total of 125 apps on my iPhone.

This year’s Status Quo about my online life: I wrote 10 blog posts (89 blog posts since July 2006) on portenkirchner.net and there was one comment (18 comments since July 2006), 3 blog posts (21 since September 2005) on portenkirchner WordPress.com with no comment this year (3 comments since September 2005), 1724 Tweets (3564 since November 2006), 1449 Dents (2175 since July 2008), saved 1012 public bookmarks on Delicious (3263 public bookmarks since July 2004), scrobbelt 27973 items on Last.fm (82998 items since September 2004) and uploaded 14 photos to Flickr (46 photos since April 2004).

MischMasch 2010-08-19

The word tweetup is accepted into Oxford Dictionary of English. (Via The Next Web UK)

YouTube launched the YouTube Charts. You can sort most viewed, most subscribed and most liked videos by today, this week, this month and all time. (Via YouTube Blog)

Google released a developer preview of the Chrome Web Store that will be launching later this year. (Via Chromium Blog)

Facebook launched their location-sharing feature Facebook Places. (Via The Facebook Blog)

The newest version of Picasa has some new features like Face Movies, Picnik integration, metadata updates and more. (Via Google Photos Blog)

MischMasch 2010-03-03

GigaTweet is counting the number of Twitter messages and it shows that there will be 10 billion tweets soon.

WordPress.com turned on PubSubHubbub support for more than 10.5 million blogs. (Via WordPress.com Blog)

Location based social network Foursquare partners with Vodafone UK. (Via TechCrunch Europe)

After shutting down comments on Yahoo! News in 2006 users can now comment on news articles again. (Via paidContent)

Google Wave gets a new and better robots API that can push information into waves, robots can specify how much information they want to get back from a wave and what events it needs to respond to. (Via Google Wave Developer Blog)

1.5 million apps are downloaded from the Nokia Ovi store each day. (Via MobileCrunch)

2009 Personal Annual Report

Inspired by Brian Suda and his Personal Annual Reports and by Nicholas Felton and his Annual Reports I decided to gather some information.

I traveled eight times in 2009 and visited four different cities where I spend a total of 33 days. The rest of the year I was in München.

I saw a total of only one movie this year.

Right now I have 1243 items in my iTunes Library and I am subscribed to 27 podcasts. My iPhoto library includes 456 photos.

A Status Quo about my online life: I wrote 79 blog posts on portenkirchner.net with a total of 17 comments since July 2006, 18 blog posts on portenkirchner WordPress.com with a total of 3 comments since September 2005, 1840 Tweets since November 2006, 726 Dents since July 2008, saved 2251 public bookmarks on Delicious since July 2004, scrobbelt 55025 items on Last.fm since September 2004 and uploaded 32 photos to Flickr since April 2004.

MischMasch 2009-08-14

Twitter started Project Retweet to implement retweeting. It will be a bit different from what is retweeting now. There will be no RT, but the original tweet will show up in the timeline with the line retweeted by @name added to the date/time stamp. I agree with Eric Meyer‘s tweet that Twitter should fix replies above adding retweet features. (Via Twitter Blog)

Google Reader got some new features. It is possible to send blog posts to various sites like Delicious, Twitter, Facebook, Blogger and others. More sites can be added manually. There is the new feature to discover the feeds of people one is following. (Via Official Google Reader Blog)

Creative Commons licensed books can now be distributed on Google Books. More on CC and Google Books can be found on the Inside Google Books blog. (Via Joi Ito on Twitter)

YouTube‘s redesign went live. The site looks now cleaner, the masthead looks different and some functions were moved or eliminated. (Via Mashable)

Facebook is testing Facebook Lite, a simpler design for the site. Currently only a few selected users are able to access the Facebook Lite site. (Via Mashable)

Microsoft announced that they will launch a Zune HD on September 25th 2009. It will be thinner and and not as ugly as it’s predecessor. (Via Mashable)

Google introduced social gadgets for iGoogle, so everyone can share, collaborate and play games on iGoogle. (Via Official Google Blog)

My Opera lets you push updates to Twitter and Facebook. (Via My Opera news)

MischMasch 2009-08-11

Facebook‘s acquisition of FriendFeed I mentioned yesterday received a lot of response. Robert Scoble thinks about leaving FriendFeed, Khoi Vinh tweeted that he deleted his FriendFeed accounts, Leo Laporte wants Facebook to open source the Friendfeed codebase and Steve Rubel hopes that FriendFeed should become Facebook Labs. It seems that a lot of people doubt that FriendFeed will continue as an own platform.

Google released a preview of the new version of their search engine. It’s codename is Caffeine and it is faster and more accurate. More information on Caffeine can be found on Matt Cutts‘ blog and the preview can be accessed at www2.sandbox.google.com. (Via Mashable)

Facebook already rolled out a new search that crawls the last 30 days of news feed activity. (Via Mashable)

Doug Cutting is leaving Yahoo! and will be joining Cloudera. (Via Free Search)

Evan Williams‘ wife Sara gave birth to a 8 pounds 21 inch baby boy. (Via Evan Williams (ev) on Twitter)

Yesterday’s MischMasch dealt with Nambu‘s announcement to shut down the URL shortening service tr.im. Today they re-opened the website and state in a blog post that tr.im will continue to operate. They still criticise Twitter to create a short URL monopoly. (Via Mashable)

MischMasch 2009-08-06

Today microblogging service Twitter was the target of a DoS attack and therefore the site was down for some time. (Via Twitter Blog)

Apple released Mac OS X 10.5.8. Seems this is the last update before the release of Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard in September. (Via Macworld)

German based identity hub YIID has added a new, more comprehensive address book containing people you follow on YIID and imported contacts. (Via YIID on Twitter)

MySpace plans to incorporate open semantic microformats code. (Via Marshall Kirkpatrick, Technology Journalist)

MischMasch 2009-08-04

Yahoo!‘s social bookmarking site Delicious has some new features. Bookmarks can now be shared from the save form by e-mail or Twitter, searches can now be filtered by tags and timeframes and the Fresh section lists the most tweeted bookmarks. (Via delicious blog)

Yahoo!‘s photo sharing site Flickr has a new search results page to make it easier to browse through all the photos and videos. (Via Flickr Blog)

Google‘s number of digitized newspaper articles is growing and they can be accessed by using the News Archive Search. (Via Google News Blog)

MischMasch 2009-08-03

Happy Cog and Airbag Industries, two important web design firms, announced the merger of the two companies. The resulting company Happy Cog will continue to work on client services, web design and development. Moreover Happy Cog will continue publishing A List Apart and organising design conference An Event Apart. (Via Happy Cog News and Jeffrey Zeldman)

Dr. Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, is resigning from Apple’s Board of Directors. As the two companies become rivals in several businesses there are more potential conflicts of interest. (Via Apple Press Release and Macworld)

Design Observer, a weblog focusing on writings about design and visual culture, announced its makeover. The new Design Observer Group serves four channels: Observatory (design essays), Change Observer (design for social innovation), Places (essays from the Places magazine) and Observer Media (audio and video). (Via Observatory: Design Observer)

TheTWiT Netcast Network started a new show called This Week in Google. Leo Laporte, Lifehacker founder Gina Trapani, journalist Jeff Jarvis and guests talk about latest Google-related news and cloud computing.

Twitter starts blocking bad URLs. Unfortunately shortened malicious links are not identified. (Via ReadWriteWeb)

NewsGator announced Google Reader syncing for the new version of NetNewsWire. Moreover a send to Instapaper feature was added. NewsGator will stop NewsGator Online and some other services. The company recomends migrating to Google Reader before the end of August. (Via NewsGator Daily Blog)

MischMasch 2009-04-16

Jon Hicks has a new and nice design for his journal / hicksdesign. As he says it is still work in progress

YIID, the service that helps you build a social identity, released some new features including activity streams for yourself and for your friends and one click registration in Communipedia.

Finally Apple started selling and renting movies in the German iTunes Store.

Taking Your Talent to the Web by Jeffrey Zeldman is now a free downloadable book. (Via Jeffrey Zeldman (zeldman) on Twitter)